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Dr Mark Bromley

Programme Director

Dr Mark Bromley

Mark Bromley

Dr Mark Bromley is the Director of the SIPRI Dual-Use and Arms Trade Control Programme. His research focuses on national, regional and international efforts to regulate the trade in conventional arms and dual-use items.

Subject expertise

Transparency of international arms transfers; financial value of the arms trade; arms export policies of EU member states; EU engagement in arms export policies; combatting the illicit trade in SALW; Arms Trade Treaty; controls on the trade in cyber-surveillance systems.

Regional expertise

Western Europe

English, Swedish

BA in Social and Political Sciences; St John’s College, Cambridge;

MA in War Studies, King’s College London;

PHD in International Relations, Stockholm University

United Kingdom
External publications
  • Bromley, M. The EU Dual-use Regulation, cyber-surveillance and human rights: the competing norms and organised hypocrisy of EU export controls Defence Studies, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 644–664, December 3, 2023
  • Bromley, M., Mustafić, S., Yuan, J., ‘China takes aim at the export control regimes: Targeted critique or misguided attack?, WorldECR, Dec 2023 / Jan 2025, Issue #123
  • Bromley, M., Understanding European Arms Export Controls: Material Interests and Competing Norms, PHD Thesis, June 2022. 
  • Bromley, M.,‘A search for common ground: export controls on surveillance technology and the role of the EU’ About:intel, 12 Feb. 2020. 
  • Bromley, M., ‘Sweden’s arms export controls: Balancing support and restraint’ in Laurence Lustgarten, Law and the Arms Trade: Weapons, Blood and Rules (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2020). 
  • Bauer, S., Bromley, M., and Maletta, G.,‘The further development of the Common Position 944/2008/CFSP on arms exports control’, European Parliament Policy Department for External Relations, July 2018.
  • Bromley, M., ‘EU Arms Transfers and Export Control Policies’, in Hugo Meijer and Marco Wyss (eds.) ‘The Handbook of European Armed Forces’, (OUP, 2018). 
  • Bauer, S., Bromley, M., and Maletta, G., ‘The implementation of the EU arms export control system’ EU Directorate-General for External Policies Department, 30 May 2017.
  • Bromley, M. and Duchatel, M., ‘Influence by default: Europe’s impact on military security in East Asia’, European Council on Foreign Relations, 16 May 2017.
  • Bromley, M., Jan Steenhoek, K. Halink, S. and Wijkstra, E., 'ICT Surveillance Systems: Trade Policy and the Application of Human Security Concerns', Strategic Trade Review, Spring 2016.
  • Bromley, M., 'End-Use Controls: Recent Technology Developments and Emerging Trends', Security and Peace, 33 (2), July 2015.
  • Bromley, M., and Dermody, L., 'Adressing the Unauthorized Re-export or Re-Transfer of Arms and Ammunition', SEESAC, June 2014.
  • Bromley, M., Chapter 7, 'The European Union', in Olawale Ismail and Elisabeth Sköns (eds.) Security Activities of External Actors in Africa (Oxford University Press, 2014).
  • Bromley, M., Cooper, N. and Holtom, P., 'The UN Arms Trade Treaty: arms export controls, the human security agenda and the lessons of history', International Affairs, vol. 88, no. 5, 2012, pp. 1029-1048.
  • Bromley, M., 'Prosecuting Illicit Arms Brokers: Improving the European Record', International Relations and Security Network - ETH Zurich, 4 Sep. 2012.
  • Bromley, M., 'Vad är syftet med nya kriterier? [What is the purpose of the new criteria?]', Svenska Dagbladet, 13 Mar. 2012.
  • Bromley, M., 'Arms Brokering Controls and a Future ATT', UNIDIR Resources, April 2011.
  • Bromley, M. and Guevara, I. 'Arms modernization in Latin America', in: Tan, A. T. H. (ed.) 'The Global Arms Trade: A Handbook', (Routledge, UK; London, 2010), pp. 166-177.
  • Holtom, P. and Bromley, M., 'The International Arms Trade: Difficult to Define, Measure, and Control', Arms Control Today, July/August 2010.
  • Bromley, M. and Brzoska, M. ‘Towards a common, restrictive EU arms export policy? The impact of the EU Code of Conduct on major conventional arms exports’, European Foreign Affairs Review, vol. 13, no. 3 (Sep. 2008).
  • Bromley, M., ‘10 years down the track: the EU Code of Conduct on arms exports’, European Security Review, no, 39 (July 2008).