SIPRI fellow to lead inquiry on Sweden and the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons |
SIPRI Distinguished Associate Fellow, Dr Lars-Erik Lundin, has been appointed by the Swedish Government to lead an inquiry into the consequences of a possible Swedish accession to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. |
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SIPRI Yearbook in Russian, plus additional summary translations |
The Russian edition of the SIPRI Yearbook 2016 was launched at the Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) in Moscow this month. Summaries for the SIPRI Yearbook 2017 are also now available in Dutch, Spanish, Catalan, Italian, French, Swedish and English. |
Read more | Download the Yearbook summaries |
The forgotten science of cooperative threat reduction |
If a period of fewer arms control agreements and a build-up of armaments is on the horizon, writes Dr Ian Anthony, it is to be hoped that the lessons of cooperative threat reduction will be preserved, ready for a time when they might once again be needed in Europe or in another region of the world. |
Read the expert comment |
Time for Europe to put Iran’s missile programme in context |
Given the transatlantic disagreement over the JCPOA, European countries might feel increasing pressure to focus on Iran’s ballistic missile activities in order to find common ground with the USA, writes Dr Tytti Erästö. But is the Western perspective on Iran’s missile programme based on an objective threat assessment, and is a punitive approach helpful in addressing it? |
Read the backgrounder |
Will the EU and the USA part ways on the Iran deal? |
Dr Tarja Cronberg and Dr Tytti Erästö argue that the European Union must do everything it can to preserve the historic non-proliferation achievement that the Iran deal represents. |
Read the backgrounder |
Increased international transparency in military spending is possible |
On 20 October the First Committee of the United Nations General Assembly discussed the annual report by the UN Secretary-General containing military expenditure data submitted by UN member states. Analysis by SIPRI indicates that many states, including countries in sub-Saharan Africa, release much of the relevant data into the public domain. The challenge for the First Committee is to encourage them to submit this data directly to the UN. |
Read the backgrounder |
The Afghan people: Observing nearly 40 years of violent conflict |
Richard Ghiasy reflects on what is close to 40 years of violent conflict in Afghanistan. |
Read the WritePeace blog |
November 2017 |
Vanishing water landscapes: Perceptions of water, scarcity and conflict in the Middle East and North Africa |
The water crisis in the Middle East and North Africa—the most water-scarce region in the world—is rapidly worsening, yet decision makers appear unwilling to acknowledge its severity, and water remains low on the political agenda. SIPRI will host a conversation event with a keynote address from Dr Francesca de Châtel, journalist, editor and author specializing in water issues in the Arab world and Mediterranean region. |
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12–13 December 2017 |
SIPRI convenes annual EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Conference |
SIPRI will host the forthcoming 2017 EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Conference at Egmont Palace in Brussels on 12–13 December 2017. The conference aims to encourage discussion within civil society—particularly among experts, researchers and academics—about measures to combat the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their delivery systems. |
Read more | Read more about the Consortium | Download a draft agenda (PDF) |
25 October 2017 |
Militarization of social media: strategies and challenges |
Social media has become one of the world’s most influential tools for promotion and branding regardless of industry and audience. This event assessed the militarization of social media by focusing discussion on the online mechanisms, strategies and tools employed by the arms and military services and military video games industries. |
Read more | Watch the event livestream |
19 October 2017 |
Why climate change is an issue for the UN Security Council |
The seminar—co-organized by Global Challenges Foundation and SIPRI—focused on why climate change should be on the agenda of the UN Security Council. |
Read more | Watch the event livestream |
26 October 2017 |
SIPRI presents Arms Trade Treaty assistance database in New York |
Mark Bromley presented SIPRI's online database for Mapping Arms Trade Treaty-relevant Cooperation and Assistance Activities at a side event in New York. The event was co-sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Trinidad and Tobago, Control Arms and SIPRI. |
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11–13 October 2017 |
SIPRI participates in Alliance for Peacebuilding 2017 Annual Conference |
‘Peace now, more than ever’ was the theme of this year’s Alliance for Peacebuilding annual conference where Dr Gary Milante, Director of Studies for Peace and Development at SIPRI, moderated the session on ‘Innovative Financing for Peace’. |
Read more | Read the full programme of the conference |
12–13 October 2017 |
Life in Kyrgyzstan conference |
SIPRI co-hosted the third annual Life in Kyrgyzstan (LiK) conference in Bishkek. During the two days, the conference was attended by more than 110 participants, representing government agencies, academia, civil society, international organizations, independent researchers and the private sector. |
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Job vacancy: Senior Researcher and Director of Studies, Conflict and Peace |
SIPRI seeks a Senior Researcher and Director of Studies to lead its Conflict and Peace cluster. |
See the job announcement for details |
Job vacancy: Research Assistant (Administrative and Finance Management), West Africa and the Sahel |
SIPRI is seeking a Research Assistant (Administrative and Finance Management), West Africa and the Sahel. |
See the job announcement for details |
Assessing meaning construction on social media: A case of normalizing militarism |
As a part of the Militarization 2.0 project, this Policy Brief examines the social media content that celebrates militarism as an important aspect of everyday social media usage and the related meaning construction overlooked by policymakers. The research results indicate that while there is an abundance of militaristic content, much of this content reaches targeted audiences. |
Read the publication |
Conference Report: 2017 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development |
SIPRI and the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs hosted the fourth annual Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development in May. This year's Forum focused on 'what works' in preventing conflict and sustaining peace, with participants sharing practices and experiences from different contexts. This report summarizes key takeaways as well as recommendations and next steps prescribed during individual sessions and select participant reflections. |
Read the report |
Secure Cities: Inclusivity, resilience and safety |
Drawing on the presentations made at the 2016 Stockholm Security Conference on the theme ‘Secure Cities’, this SIPRI Insights paper argues that the successful development of a city requires the elaboration of an integrated urban security strategy based on the three pillars of inclusivity, resilience and safety. |
Read the publication |
SIPRI Yearbook 2017 |
The 48th edition of the SIPRI Yearbook is a compendium of data and analysis in the areas of security and conflicts; military spending and armaments; and non-proliferation, arms control and disarmament. It covers developments during 2016, including:
- aspects of the conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa;
- the peace agreement in Colombia;
- forced displacement in fragile contexts; and
- the sustaining peace framework of the United Nations.
Browse the contents page | Read the summary (pdf) |