The independent resource on global security

Militarization of social media: Strategies and challenges

Militarization of social media: Strategies and challenges
The Facebook Like Stamp. Photo: Flickr / Denis Dervisevic

SIPRI, Signalistgatan 9, Solna

Social media has become one of the world’s most influential tools for promotion and branding regardless of industry and audiences. This event aims to assess the militarization of social media by focusing discussion on the online mechanisms, strategies and tools employed by the arms and military services and military videogames industries.

What factors and mechanisms are involved in the promotion of militarism via social media platforms? How is social media contributing to the reification of the military as a normal part of international relations?



Dr Susan Jackson, Researcher at the Department of Economic History, Stockholm University, and Associate Senior Researcher, SIPRI

Dr  Nick Robinson, Associate Professor in Politics, University of Leeds

Dr Andrea Schneiker, Junior Professor, University of Siegen


Dan Smith, SIPRI Director

Registration information

Please confirm your participation by Monday, 23 October to Ms Alexandra Manolache, Communications Officer, Tel: 0722 035 830, Email: