The independent resource on global security

Appendix 2B. The Global Peace Index 2009


I. Introduction

II. Highlights and changes

III. Methodology and data sources

IV. Investigating the set of potential determinants

Table 2B.1. The Global Peace Index 2009

Table 2B.2. Countries with the greatest change in Global Peace Index rank, 2008–2009

Table 2B.3. Measures of ongoing domestic and international conflict

Table 2B.4. Measures of societal safety and security

Table 2B.5. Measures of militarization

Table 2B.6. Correlation between the Global Peace Index and the indicators of peace and its possible determinants


Read the full appendix [PDF].


The Global Peace Index (GPI) seeks to determine what cultural attributes and institutions are associated with states of peace. It ranks 144 countries by their relative states of peace using 23 indicators.


The most and least peaceful states, 2009


Rank Country Score   Rank Country Score
1   New Zealand   1.202   140  Sudan 2.922
2   Denmark 1.217   141  Israel 3.035
3   Norway 1.217   142  Somalia 3.257
4   Iceland 1.225   143  Afghanistan   3.285
5   Austria 1.252   144  Iraq 3.341


Small, stable and democratic countries are consistently ranked highly. Island states also generally fare well.


Clyde McConaghy (Australia) is Director of the Institute for Economics and Peace.
