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European Union Arms Export Control Outreach Activities in Eastern and South Eastern Europe

Non-proliferation Paper No. 14
Publisher: SIPRI
SIPRI, Stockholm:
April, 2012

Outreach constitutes the normative dimension of efforts to enhance export control policies in third countries, while assistance is the practical dimension of such engagements. European Union (EU) Joint Action 2008/230/CFSP and Council Decision 2009/1012/CFSP provided funding for the Council Working Group on Conventional Arms Exports (COARM) outreach and assistance activities to promote alignment with EU Common Position 2008/944/CFSP and to strengthen export controls in Eastern and South Eastern Europe during 2008–11. This paper considers the evolution of EU efforts to promote alignment with the EU Code and the EU Common Position and the assistance rendered to strengthen export controls in third countries. It assesses progress towards the stated objectives for COARM outreach and assistance and concludes with some thoughts for the next round of outreach and assistance activities in Eastern and South Eastern Europe and recommendations for improving the prospects for alignment.


Paul Holtom Paul Holtom is the Head of the Conventional Arms and Ammunition Programme at UNIDIR. He was previously the Director of the SIPRI Arms Transfers Programme.
Ivana Mićić was an Associate Senior Fellow within the Dual-use and Arms Trade Control programme