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SIPRI experts led research on practices of peacebuilding report

SIPRI experts led research on practices of peacebuilding report
Launch event of the EBA study ‘Practicing Peacebuilding Principles: A Study of Sweden’s Engagement in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States’

As part of the Expert Group for Aid Studies (EBA), Dr Jannie Lilja, SIPRI Director of Studies, Peace and Development, and Dr Gary Milante, SIPRI Senior Researcher, led research for the EBA study ‘Practicing Peacebuilding Principles: A Study of Sweden’s Engagement in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States’.

Read the full EBA report
here (PDF).

The EBA study investigates how Sweden has applied joint conflict analysis, coherence, country ownership, inclusion and adaptation of development cooperation since 2011 when the ‘New Deal for Engagement in Conflict-affected and Fragile States’ was signed.

The study was carried out by a team from SIPRI and FCG Sweden. A reference group, led by EBA member Magnus Lindell, provided support during the research.

Earlier in March, the study was launched at an event held by EBA. Watch a recording of the discussion here.