Arms sales of SIPRI Top 100 arms companies grow despite supply chain challenges—new data |
On 5 December, SIPRI released its latest data on the sales of the world’s 100 largest arms and military companies, which reached $592 billion in 2021. This is a 1.9 per cent increase compared with 2020—marking the seventh consecutive year of rising global arms sales. While the sales increased, the rate of growth slowed down in comparison to previous years due to pandemic-related disruptions in global supply chains, which affected many parts of the industry.
Read more | Read the SIPRI Fact Sheet | Explore the graphics | Access the SIPRI Arms Industry Database
2022 Stockholm Security Conference: Session videos now available |
SIPRI hosted the seventh annual Stockholm Security Conference (SSC22) in a virtual format in November. Videos from the public sessions are now available on SIPRI’s YouTube channel. The conference featured 14 sessions on the theme ‘Battlefields of the Future—Trends of Conflict and Warfare in the 21st Century: Effects and Impact of the War in Ukraine’. So far, the conference has engaged more than 1000 unique participants from around the world.
Read more | Watch the videos | Read about SSC22
New SIPRI film: Food security and why it matters for peace in South Sudan |
This month, SIPRI was pleased to launch a new film about the complexity of the food security crisis in South Sudan and the efforts needed to build stability and peace in a context of climate change impacts and intercommunal violence. The film is part of a wider knowledge partnership between SIPRI and the World Food Programme and builds on a series of video interviews with local people and humanitarian workers in South Sudan’s Jonglei State, exploring their perceptions of food security, violence and development challenges.
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New report sets out the evidence and analysis behind SIPRI’s Environment of Peace policy report |
This month saw the release of the Environment of Peace research report, detailing the evidential and analytical foundations of the policy report Environment of Peace: Security in a New Era of Risk, released in May. SIPRI’s Environment of Peace initiative focuses on managing the risks posed by two interwoven crises: the darkening security horizon and the immense pressures being placed on the natural world and the systems that support life on earth. The report is the result of two years’ work by more than 30 researchers, led and guided by some of the leading voices in the fields of environment and security.
Read more | Read the Report | Learn about Environment of Peace | Read the Policy Report
SIPRI briefs UN Security Council on the relationship between climate, peace and security |
On 29 November, Hafsa Maalim, SIPRI Associate Senior Researcher, participated in a United Nations Security Council Arria-formula meeting organized by the Permanent Missions of Kenya and Norway to the UN. The meeting focused on broadening the Security Council's awareness of how climate, security and peacebuilding interact. Over the last two years, SIPRI and the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs have supported the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs during Norway’s period as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council, by generating timely fact sheets on the relationship between climate change, peace and conflict in a number of countries.
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SIPRI experts brief European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Security and Defence on the impact of the war in Ukraine on EU arms export controls |
On 29 November, the European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Security and Defence held a public hearing entitled ‘The War in Ukraine: Implications for Arms Export Policies at the EU Level’. SIPRI experts Giovanna Maletta and Dr Lucie Béraud-Sudreau briefed the subcommittee on the significance and impact that the European Peace Facility is having on the European Union (EU) export control framework by supplying military equipment to Ukraine and gave an overview of the policy debates around arms transfers to Ukraine in three of the EU’s largest arms exporters.
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SIPRI at the 11th annual EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Conference |
SIPRI actively participated in the 11th annual EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Conference, held on 14–15 November 2022. This included contributing in sessions on cyber-security, missile technology proliferation and the next generation in non-proliferation and disarmament. SIPRI experts also participated in side events relating to the conference, looking at the challenges of emerging technologies. The conference, which is funded by the EU, was organized by the Institute of International Affairs on behalf of the EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium (EUNPDC).
Read more | Read about EUNPDC
Afghanistan and its neighbourhood: A stocktaking of regional cooperation since the Taliban takeover |
Twenty years ago, the six countries bordering Afghanistan signed a declaration expressing their shared commitment to help rebuild the country and a desire for ‘peace and stability in the region’ after the fall of the then Taliban government. While regional cooperation has been limited in the past two decades, this SIPRI Topical Backgrounder presents several indications that a more regionally grounded, cohesive perspective and approach is emerging—small seeds from which a sustainable response to Afghanistan’s peace, security and development challenges might grow.
Read the SIPRI Topical Backgrounder
Language on Indigenous Peoples’ rights should stay in the new global biodiversity framework—for communities, nature and peace |
The global biodiversity agenda received an unexpected boost at November’s UN climate summit in Egypt. Protecting nature and addressing the climate crisis should go hand-in-hand with protecting human rights and Indigenous Peoples’ rights. One essential step is ensuring that provisions on protecting the rights of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) remain prominent in the Global Biodiversity Framework. This SIPRI WritePeace blog looks at how keeping the role and rights of IPLCs prominent in the new Global Biodiversity Framework could help to ensure that large-scale nature conservation is just, peaceful and effective.
Read the SIPRI WritePeace blog
Arms transfer and SALW control-related assistance in the Middle East and North Africa: Identifying needs and bridging gaps |
This SIPRI Topical Backgrounder provides an updated picture of Arms Trade Treaty-relevant assistance activities involving countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). It builds on research conducted in 2018 and a preliminary analysis of arms transfer and small arms and light weapons control-related challenges and needs in MENA that was published in November 2022. Further, it assesses to what extent assistance delivered in the region has been in line with the needs and requests of MENA countries and provides recommendations on the priorities that should be the focus of future assistance efforts.
Read the SIPRI Topical Backgrounder
14 December 2022 |
Beyond war ecologies: Green ways forward for Ukraine |
The Russian war in Ukraine constitutes a now well-acknowledged ecological, as well as geopolitical and humanitarian, catastrophe. This webinar brought together a distinguished expert panel to discuss green ways forward for Ukraine, with the aim to raise awareness about the ecological dimensions of the war in Ukraine and create a better understanding of the broader context for restituting environmental crimes or damage.
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2 December 2022 |
SIPRI co-hosts side event at the Ninth Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention |
On 2 December, SIPRI and the Government of the United Kingdom co-hosted a side event in Geneva at the Ninth Review Conference of the Biological Weapons Convention entitled ‘Biorisk Awareness Across Stakeholder Communities’. The side event broadly examined the degree to which cross-sectoral engagement on biosecurity exists and explored the best ways to incentivize different stakeholder groups to create a more open and collaborative biosecurity community.
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Cyber Posture Trends in China, Russia, the United States and the European Union |
Current understanding of the cyber postures of China, Russia, the USA and the EU merits re-evaluation. By examining key trends in each actor’s cyber posture, this report identifies points of convergence and divergence. Its conclusions will inform a broader SIPRI project that maps cyber posture trajectories and explores trilateral cyber dynamics among China, Russia and the USA to assist the EU in navigating future cyber escalation and enhancing global cyber stability.
Read the SIPRI Research Report
Illicit Small Arms and Light Weapons in Sub-Saharan Africa: Using UN Reports on Arms Embargoes to Identify Sources, Challenges and Policy Measures |
This report synthesizes the data on small arms and light weapons (SALW) diversion in the UN Panel of Experts reports on the five UN arms embargoes in place in sub-Saharan Africa in 2022. The paper provides a typology on the sources of illicit SALW in the states and regions under embargo and discusses the challenges of enforcing arms embargoes and possible policy solutions to address the various sources of illicit SALW in order to inform and support efforts to combat the proliferation of illicit arms.
Read the SIPRI Policy Report
Considering the Future of Gender and Peace Operations: Strategic Debates and Operational Challenges |
The women, peace and security (WPS) agenda in peace operations has had myriad successes as well as setbacks in implementation. The rise of ‘gender-sensitive’ or ‘gender-responsive’ approaches to peacekeeping signals progress in policy language, but in practice peacekeepers can struggle to comprehensively implement gender analyses or deliver on WPS tasks. Based on a review of existing academic and policy literature, this paper identifies strategic debates central to WPS agenda implementation and finds key operational challenges to implementation.
Read the SIPRI Insights Paper
Conflict, Governance and Organized Crime: Complex Challenges for UN Stabilization Operations |
This SIPRI Report examines how organized crime is intertwined with armed conflict and hybrid governance systems in three states that currently host UN stabilization missions. It surveys the conflict/crime/governance nexus in the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Mali, and how UN stabilization missions, in particular the UN Police, have engaged with the challenge of organized crime. The report looks at the complex links between conflict and governance actors and organized crime and presents a set of recommendations on how to move to more realistic analyses and bases for peace operations.
Read the SIPRI Report
The Role of Development Actors in Responding to Environment and Security Links |
Despite growing interest among development actors to integrate links between the environment, climate, peace and security into their policies and activities, practical approaches to addressing environment-related security risks are lagging behind awareness at policy level. This SIPRI Policy Brief provides insights into how donors can incentivize implementing organizations to further develop and apply these practical approaches.
Read the SIPRI Policy Brief
The SIPRI Top 100 Arms-producing and Military Services Companies, 2021 |
The combined arms sales of the world’s largest arms-producing and military services companies (the SIPRI Top 100) were $592 billion in 2021, which was an increase of 1.9 per cent in their arms sales compared with 2020. This SIPRI Fact Sheet lists the SIPRI Top 100 for 2021 from the updated SIPRI Arms Industry Database and describes the trends in international arms sales that are revealed by the new data.
Read the SIPRI Fact Sheet
The Missile Technology Control Regime at a Crossroads: Adapting the Regime for Current and Future Challenges |
The Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) is a cornerstone of the non-proliferation architecture for missiles and other uncrewed aerial vehicles. However, geopolitical and technical developments and operational challenges threaten the regime’s effectiveness and create a need for reform in several areas. This SIPRI Report provides a comprehensive analysis of current challenges to the MTCR and extensive policy recommendations to the partners, such as ways of expanding MTCR membership and improving legitimacy, while ensuring its continued functioning in the face of geopolitical tensions and armed conflict between partners.
Read the SIPRI Report
Adapting the Missile Technology Control Regime for Current and Future Challenges |
This SIPRI Policy Brief summarizes the findings and presents the policy recommendations from a longer report, ‘The Missile Technology Control Regime at a Crossroads: Adapting the Regime for Current and Future Challenges’, looking at MTCR membership and adherence, transparency, legitimacy, and how to address emerging technologies, geopolitical conflict and multilateral cooperation through the MTCR.
Read the SIPRI Policy Brief
SIPRI Yearbook 2022 |
SIPRI Yearbook 2022 presents a combination of original data in areas such as world military expenditure, international arms transfers, arms production, nuclear forces, armed conflicts and multilateral peace operations with state-of-the-art analysis of important aspects of arms control, peace and international security. In addition to its detailed coverage of nuclear arms control and non-proliferation issues, the latest edition of the SIPRI Yearbook includes
- insight on developments in conventional arms control in 2021;
- regional overviews of armed conflicts and conflict management;
- in-depth data and discussion on military expenditure, international arms transfers and arms production; and
- comprehensive coverage of efforts to counter chemical and biological security threats.
Browse the contents page | Download the summary (PDF) | Download the sample chapter on world nuclear
forces (PDF) | Order SIPRI Yearbook 2022