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Dan Smith


Dan Smith

Dan Smith

Dan Smith is the Director of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). He has researched and written on security, conflict and peace for four decades. He served four years in the UN Peacebuilding Fund Advisory Group, two as Chair (2010–2011).

He was part-time Professor of Peace and Conflict at the University of Manchester from 2014 to 2017. Before taking up his post at SIPRI, he was Secretary General of the London-based peacebuilding NGO, International Alert (2003–2015) and Director of the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (1993–2001). His most recent book is the 10th edition of The State of the World Atlas (2020).

Subject expertise

Wide range of conflict and peace issues such as nationalism, identity politics, armed conflicts, ethics of intervention, gender aspects of conflict and peace building, relationship between climate change and insecurity

Regional expertise

Middle East, Africa

English, French

Christ's College, Cambridge; BA June 1973 (MA January 1977) English Literature

United Kingdom
  • Chair, Advisory Group, UN Peacebuilding Fund, 2010–11
  • Member, Advisory Group, UN Peacebuilding Fund, 2007–9
  • Chair, Institute for War & Peace Reporting, London, 1992–2006
External publications
  • Delgado, C. and Smith, D., Hunger and food systems in conflict settings, 2021 Global Hunger Index, Welthungerhilfe and Concern Worldwide (2021)
  • Smith, D. and Krampe, F., Climate-Related Security Risks in the Middle East, in Anders Jägerskog, Michael Schulz, and Ashok Swain (eds.) Routledge Handbook on Middle East Security, London: Routledge (2019)
  • Smith, D., The State of the Middle East, 3rd, New Internationalist (2016); (2nd edn 2008: London, Earthscan; Berkeley/LA, UC California Press) (1st edition 2006)
  • Vivekananda J., Schilling J. and Smith D., ‘Understanding Resilience in Climate Change and Conflict Affected Regions of Nepal’, Geopolitics (2014)
  • Vivekananda J., Schilling J. and Smith D.,  'Climate resilience in fragile and conflict-affected societies: concepts and approaches', Development in Practice, 24:4, 487-501(2014)
  • Smith, D., The State of the World Atlas (9th edition 2013: Oxford, New Internationalist; New York, Penguin) (8th edn 2008; 7th edn 2003)