The independent resource on global security

14. Conventional arms control




1996 opened a new period of conventional arms
control negotiation with the aim of adapting the CFE Treaty to
the new security conditions and the prospective enlargement of
NATO. Effective handling of subregional problems is critical for
the overall success of arms control and peace efforts in the OSCE
area. The Florence Agreement is a step towards establishing a
military balance among former warring parties in the former Yugoslavia.
However, as long as the former belligerents have not formulated
their ultimate political goals, this will adversely affect implementation.

Outside Europe, conventional arms control
is, for the most part, at an early stage. The problem of land-mines
has acquired special importance because of the toll of civilian
casualties. The success of efforts to achieve a global land-mine
ban will depend largely on the stance taken by the main producers
and exporters. The USA has taken some significant steps towards
this goal, but its decision to sidestep the Ottawa Group in favour
of the Conference on Disarmament has lessened the chances for
rapid progress and seems to shift the focus towards a phased approach.
Russia has shown some interest in considering a step-by-step approach,
but China still appears reluctant.


Appendix 14A. Confidence- and security-building measures in Europe


Appendix 14A on CSBMs in Europe, reviews the implementation
of the Vienna Document 1994 during 1996 and subregional developments.


Appendix 14B. Documents on conventional arms control

