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Towards a Two-tiered Approach to Regulation of Autonomous Weapon Systems: Identifying Pathways and Possible Elements

Two-tiered approach AWS_cover
Publisher: SIPRI
SIPRI, Stockholm:
August, 2024

As the global conversation on how to address the challenges posed by autonomous weapon systems (AWS) evolves, there is now growing support among states that one possible way to proceed is through a ‘two-tiered approach’. Such an approach would, on the one hand, prohibit certain types and uses of AWS and, on the other hand, place limits and requirements on the development and use of all other AWS. A critical task facing states is to agree on how such a two-tiered approach could be enacted. 

This report aims to help states elaborate on the content and contours of a two-tiered regulation of AWS. Drawing from insights gained during a scenario exercise convened by SIPRI in January 2024—where experts explored necessary limits and requirements for hypothetical AWS use cases—the report explores and suggests possible elements and approaches for states to consider to advance the policy discussion.


1. Introduction

2. Using scenarios as a method to identify limits and requirements for the development and use of AWS

3. Mapping the spectrum of views on limits and requirements in the design and use of AWS

4. Potential implications for developing a two-tiered approach to regulation of AWS

5. Key findings and recommendations


Laura Bruun is a Researcher in the SIPRI Governance of Artificial Intelligence Programme.