The independent resource on global security

The Centre for Chemistry and Technology and the Future of the OPCW

Publisher: SIPRI
SIPRI, Stockholm:
March, 2024

With the destruction of the final remaining stockpiles of declared chemical weapons in 2023, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) must adjust to a new role. The inauguration of the OPCW’s Centre for Chemistry and Technology (CCT) in 2023 provides a new resource to assist the organization and the international community in reducing and eliminating the threat from chemical weapons. 

Now that the CCT is operational, it is important to build momentum behind a substantive programme of work. Projects for the programme could be grouped into four thematic categories: understanding technological developments; chemical forensics; broadening geographical representation; and tailored training programmes. 

The CCT should be led by a director, who should work with a newly established Office of Science and Technology to develop the centre’s strategic direction. To provide the CCT with stable and secure financing, a trust fund for the CCT should be established. 


I. Introduction

II. The challenging context for chemical disarmament and the future of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

III. Maximizing the contribution of the Centre for Chemistry and Technology 

IV. Indicative projects for the programme of work of the Centre for Chemistry and Technology 

V. Conclusions and recommendations 


Dr Ian Anthony was the Director of SIPRI’s European Security Programme.