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Views on Possible Verification Measures for the Biological Weapons Convention

Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN 0-19-829142-6
126 pp.
This volume is a sequel to Strengthening the Biological Weapons Convention by Confidence- Building Measures, No. 10 in the SIPRI Chemical & Biological Warfare Studies series. During work on that volume, a need was felt for more concrete discussion of verification measures for the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC). The verification aspects of the Chemical Weapons Convention will complement the BWC, and vice versa, and it is argued that the CWC must be finalized before concrete verification measures for the BWC can be addressed. However, it is already rather clear what measures will be in effect under the CWC. This information can provide input to preliminary technical work on verification measures for the BWC. This volume identifies and develops suggestions for BWC verification measures. Their possible dual function for verification and confidence-building is also explored by 12 leading experts.



1. Introductory remarks (S. J. Lundin)

2. Contribution of confidence-building measures to greater transparency in activities directly related to the Biological Weapons Convention (Erhard Geissler)

3. Applicable verification lessons from the negotiations on the Chemical Weapons Convention (Ralf Trapp)

4. Organizational aspects with regard to possible verification tasks under the Biological Weapons Convention (Nicholas A. Sims)

5. Protective, prophylactic and therapeutic measures permitted by the BWC (Gustaf Brunius)

6. Verification of high-containment facilities (Herbert Marcovich)

7. WHO health and epidemic information as a basis for verification activities under the Biological Weapons Convention (John P. Woodall)

8. The Biological Weapons Convention: A vehicle for international co-operation (Raymond A. Zilinskas and Carl-Göran Hedén)

9. The biotechnology industry and verification measures for the Biological Weapons Convention (Derek C. Ellwood)

10. Possible implications of the anthrax outbreak in Sverdlovsk on future verification of the Biological Weapons Convention: A US perspective (Charles C. Flowerree)

11. Possible implications of the anthrax outbreak in Sverdlovsk on future verification of the Biological Weapons Convention: A Soviet perspective (Victor Issraelyan)

About the editor

Dr S. J. Lundin, who assumed responsibility for the SIPRI CBW programme in 1987, is the Series Editor. He has served as a Director of Research of the Swedish National Defence Research Institute (FOA), and was for 16 years Scientific Adviser to the Swedish Delegation to the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva. He has been a consultant to the United Nations Centre for Disarmament, and has convened SIPRI and Pugwash symposia on matters relating to chemical weapons.

SIPRI Chemical & Biological Warfare Studies is a series of studies intended primarily for specialists in the field of CBW arms control and for people engaged in other areas of international relations or security affairs whose work could benefit from a deeper understanding of particular CBW matters.


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