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Space Weapons and International Security

Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN 0-19-829102-7
366 pp.

The effort of the United States to develop defences against ballistic missiles (the Strategic Defense Initiative) is one of the most hotly debated topics of our time. This authoritative book contributes to the debate by presenting the searching and wide-ranging views of twenty-six international experts on the technical, legal, political, and military aspects of space weapons. They address such questions as: What are the technological promises and problems of strategic defence? What effects will SDI have on the arms race, on the development of anti-satellite weapons, and on deterring a nuclear war? How will SDI affect the arms control process? Can the USA entice the USSR to co-operate in deploying strategic defences? What are the implications for NATO? How do China, India, and Japan perceive SDI? If both superpowers develop space weapons will they become 'sheriffs of the high frontier'? What can be done to guard international stability? These papers, which express every range of opinion on SDI, from an unqualified approval to total scepticism, are prefaced by an overview by the editor of the volume.


Part I. Space weapons and international security—an overview

Bhupendra Jasani

1. Introduction

2. Systems related to space weapons

3. Space weapons—technical aspects

4. Can space weapons be controlled?

5. Space weapons—international dimensions

6. Conclusions


Part II. Technical aspects of space weapons

Paper 1. Technical issues for strategic defence research

Stephen D. Rockwood

Paper 2. Enforcing BMD against a determined adversary?

Richard L. Garwin

Paper 3. 'Star Wars' down to earth: A technical operational and bureaucratic assessment

Kosta Tsipis

Paper 4. Measures for counteracting space strike weapons

Andrei A. Kokoshin, Alexei A. Vassiliev and Mikhail Gerasyov

Paper 5. Sub-systems of battle management for an echeloned space-based anti-missile system

Andrei A. Kokoshin, Viktor M. Sergeyev and Alexei A. Vassiliev


Part III. Space weapons vs deterrence: Policies and arms control

Paper 6. Defending versus avenging: A critical assessment of SDI and MAD policies

Barry R. Schneider and Colin S. Gray

Paper 7. Implications of change from MAD to defensive policies

Sydney D. Drell

Paper 8. Implications of US and Soviet BMD programmes for the ABM Treaty

John B. Rhinelander

Paper 9. The ABM Treaty: To be or not to be

Sune Danielsson

Paper 10. Preventing the militarization of space: Is it necessary or possible?

Alexey G. Arbatov and Boris G. Mayorski

Paper 11. Possible ASAT arms control agreements

Walter Slocombe

Paper 12. Space weapon verification

Donald M. Kerr


Part IV. International dimension

Paper 13. Implications of SDI for NATO and possibilities of agreement

Sanford A. Lakoff

Paper 14. Strategic defences: Facts and opinions

Ronald Mason

Paper 15. How new ASAT and BMD developments could affect third countries

Benoit d'Aboville and Michel Guionnet

Paper 16. The impact of SDI on international security

Yao Wenbin

Paper 17. Implications of high technology for disarmament

Ryukichi Imai


Part V. Politics of space weapons

Paper 18. The Soviet attitude to strategic defence

Yevgeniy Velikhov

Paper 19. The strategic context of SDI: A US assessment of Soviet attitudes towards mutual vulnerability

Frank Gaffney

Paper 20. SDI from the viewpoint of non-aligned nations

Mujkund Dubey

Paper 21. Strategic defence in Western Europe

John Wilkinson


Appendix 1. Treaties and treaty proposals which contain provisions aimed at some form of arms control in space

Appendix 2. Special report on strategic defence

Appendix 3. Opening address by Birgitta Dahl, Swedish Minister of Energy

Appendix 4. Conference delegates

Appendix 5. Further reading