The independent resource on global security

International Organization for Chemical Disarmament

Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN 0-19-829121-3
158 pp.

This monograph examines the nature and significance of international organization for a proposed Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC); the origins and evolution of proposals for institutions with which the eventual CWC might be endowed; the current status of such proposals; and prospects for the resolution of the remaining uncertainties concerning particularly the structure of the international organization. Technical aspects of verification, and problems of definition, classification and scope are outside the purview of this monograph. It concludes with recommendations. Key documents are annexed.



1. Introduction

2. The nature and significance of international organization for chemical disarmament

3. International Verification Agency: The Japanese proposal of 1974

4. Consultative Committee: Origins

5. Consultative Committee: The UK proposal of 1976

6. The negotiations on a Consultative Committee

7. Executive Council: Origins

8. Executive Council: The negotiation of Article VIII

9. Executive Council: Composition

10. Secreteriat: Proposals for the Secreteriat, Inspectorate, Director-General, Inspector-General and Divisional and Senior Staffing Structure

11. Other proposed institutions for the Convention

12. The concept of 'the Organization': The UK proposal

13. Complex interdependence: Future work on Article VIII

14. Conclusion

Appendix. Relevant CCD and CD documents

About the author

Nicholas A. Sims is a Lecturer in International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He specializes in disarmament policy and diplomacy, verification and review of treaties, and international organization in the Commonwealth and United Nations systems. He has written frequently on the Geneva negotiations concerning chemical and biological weapons since 1970.

About the series editor

Dr S. J. Lundin, who assumed responsibility for the SIPRI CBW programme in 1987, is the Series Editor. He has served as a Director of Research of the Swedish National Defence Research Institute (FOA), and was for 16 years Scientific Adviser to the Swedish Delegation to the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva. He has been a consultant to the United Nations Centre for Disarmament, and has convened SIPRI and Pugwash symposia on matters relating to chemical weapons.

SIPRI Chemical & Biological Warfare Studies is a series of studies intended primarily for specialists in the field of CBW arms control and for people engaged in other areas of international relations or security affairs whose work could benefit from a deeper understanding of particular CBW matters. The papers originate in studies commissioned by SIPRI as input for subsequent non-specialist SIPRI publications.


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