The independent resource on global security

Chemical and Biological Warfare Developments: 1985

Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN 0-19-829110-8
110 pp.

The fifth in a succession of annual reviews of developments in the field of chemical and biological warfare, done primarily from the standpoint of arms-control prospects and intended as an aid to policy research and development. The chief topics covered are the allegations of treaty-violation made against ten countries during 1985; the incipient Western moves towards chemical-warfare rearmament; the chemical-warfare posture of the Soviet Union; proliferation of chemical weapons; and the efforts made during the year to strengthen and extend the existing arms-control regime. There are 10 tables, a documentary annexe and a bibliography of 522 items.



Part I. Alledged infractions of the CBW arms-control regime

i.1. Allegations of activities proscribed under the 1972 Convention

i.2. Allegations of use of CBW weapons

i.2.1. The Gulf War CW reports, 1985

i.2.2. Yellow Rain

Part II. CW armament

ii.1. The United States and other NATO countries

ii.1.1. The US binary-munitions programme

ii.1.2. NATO CW armament?

ii.2. The Soviet Union and other WTO countries

ii.3. Countries outside NATO and WTO

Part III. Strengthening the CBW arms-control regime

iii.1. The existing CBW arms-control treaties

iii.2. Extending the regime

Part IV. Other events during 1985

iv.1. Agent Orange and related matters

iv.2. Old CW weapons

iv.3. Historical studies

Part V. Documentary annexe

v.1. 1985 US legislation on CW programmes

v.2. SED/SDP European CW weapon-free zone proposal

About the author

Julian Perry Robinson is a SIPRI Consultant based in England. A chemist and lawyer by training, he was a member of the SIPRI research staff during 1968-71 and has held research appointments at the Harvard University Center for International Affairs, the Free University of Berlin, and the University of Sussex, UK, where he is currently a Senior Fellow of the Science Policy Research Unit. He has served as a consultant to the World Health Organization, the United Nations Secretariat, the International Committee of the Red Cross and the UN Environment Programme.

SIPRI Chemical & Biological Warfare Studies is a series of studies intended primarily for specialists in the field of CBW arms control and for people engaged in other areas of international relations or security affairs whose work could benefit from a deeper understanding of particular CBW matters. The papers originate in studies commissioned by SIPRI as input for subsequent non-specialist SIPRI publications.


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