The independent resource on global security

The Prevention of CBW

Publisher: Almqvist & Wiksell
ISBN 391-00204-X
287 pp.

This book presents a discussion of possible measures that might be adopted to prevent future CBW. The volume describes steps that might be taken to strengthen the legal prohibition of CBW, and the problems and possibilities, including those of verification, involved in the negotiation of CB disarmament.

All six volumes of The Problem of Chemical and Biological Warfare are available on CD-ROM.

1. Strengthening the existing prohibition of CBW
2. The case for CB disarmament
3. CB disarmament

Appendix 1. The claims that CB weapons are less inhumane than other weapons
Appendix 2. Verification of CB disarmament
Appendix 3. The CB weapons controls of the Western European Union Armaments Control Agency
Appendix 4. Investigations of the use of chemical and biological weapons
Appendix 5. List of states which have signed, ratified, acceded or succeeded to the 1925 Geneva Protocol
Appendix 6. Major documents relating to CB disarmament



Robert Neild was SIPRI's founding Director from 1966–71.