On 2–3 November 2022, SIPRI, in cooperation with the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) America, hosted a closed-door, in-person expert workshop on ‘Cyber Postures and Dynamics: China, Russia, United States and Europe’ in Washington, DC.
The workshop brought together over 30 technical, legal, diplomatic, academic and military experts from China, Russia, the United States and Europe to better understand their respective cyber postures and dynamics. The workshop’s keynote address was given by Dr Regine Grienberger, Cyber Ambassador at the German Federal Foreign Office.
Led by Dr Lora Saalman and Fei Su of SIPRI and Dr Andreas Kuehn of ORF America, the two-day workshop consisted of six panel discussions that offered participants a greater understanding of current and emerging trends and challenges in cyberspace; evolving cyber postures within China, Russia, the USA and the European Union (EU); and trilateral Chinese–US–Russian interactions and their implications for the EU.
Particular attention was given to identifying new trends, interests and concerns that drive cyber posture formulation; evaluating differences in perceptions and practice of information security/warfare and cyber security/warfare; and suggesting recommendations on current and future approaches to enhance cyber resilience, deterrence and defence.
Findings from this workshop will contribute to a forthcoming SIPRI publication and broader project.
About the project
This workshop and report mark the first phase of a 17-month project on ‘Chinese, Russian and US Cyber Postures and their Impact on Escalation and Stability’ funded by the German Federal Foreign Office. This project seeks to map cyber posture trajectories along a spectrum and to explore trilateral cyber dynamics among China, Russia and the USA to generate near-, medium- and long-term recommendations for the EU on navigating future escalation and enhancing global cyber stability.