SIPRI, Signalistgatan 9, Solna
The conflict in Ukraine and the annexation of the Crimean Peninsula have transformed international perceptions of Russia. Against this background, a sharp debate has developed about Russia’s strategic aims and the principal drivers of its foreign and security policy. While some analysts view great power politics at the heart of Russia’s actions, other have prioritized different factors, including ideology, private interests, history, geography, President Putin’s personal vision for Russia, and domestic politics as contributing to Russia’s behaviour in its international relations.
What accounts for Russia’s foreign and security policies today? What is the balance between strategic action, opportunism and reaction in Russian policies? Is Russia a unique actor in the contemporary international system? What future steps can be expected by Russia?
SIPRI Director Dan Smith will moderate a panel discussion about Russua's security poliy with experts from Russia and Europe.
Please confirm your participation by 10 June to Ms Cynthia Loo, SIPRI Senior Management Assistant, Tel: 08-655 97 51, email: cloo@sipri.org.
Coffee will be served at 9:30; the discussion will start at 10:00
Dr Neil Melvin, SIPRI, Senior Researcher, Russia and Eurasia Programme, SIPRI
Dr David Cadier, TAPIR Visiting Senior Fellow, Finnish Institute of International Affairs Associate, LSE IDEAS
Dr Alexandra Yatsyk, Director of the Center for Cultural Studies of Post-Socialism, Associate Professor of the Journalism Department at Kazan Federal University and Visby programme researcher at the Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies
Mr Alexander Golts, independent military analyst, deputy editor-in-chief of the Russian weekly news magazine Yezhenedelny Zhurnal website, researcher at Uppsala Centre for Russian and Eurasian Studies
Dan Smith, Director, SIPRI