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Non-mandatory UN arms embargo on Afghanistan

In October 1996, in response to on-going violent conflict in Afghanistan in October 1996 UN Security Council Resolution 1076 imposed a voluntary arms embargo on Afghanistan, calling upon all States to end the supply of arms and ammunition to all parties to the conflict in Afghanistan.

In October 1999 UN Security Council Resolution 1267 imposed a ban on air transport related to and a freeze of all assets of one group in Afghanistan, the Taliban. This was done in response to the Taliban being involved in human rights abuses, the killing of Iranian diplomats, opium trade and providing a safe haven for Osama bin Laden and his associates. The Taliban had emerged as a significant military and political force in Afghanistan in late 1994 and by 1996 they effectively controlled Afghanistan.

Although no UN Security Council Resolution exists that lifted it, the voluntary embargo became obsolete both due to the passing of Resolution 1333 in December 2000, establishing a mandatory arms embargo on Afghanistan, and the US invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001.

Last updated on
Embargo type: Non mandatory UN embargoes
Entry into force:
Lifted: 25 October 2001
Establishing document: UNSCR 1076

Documents related to this arms embargo