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Lauriane Héau


Lauriane Héau

Lauriane Héau

Lauriane is a Researcher in SIPRI's Dual-Use and Arms Trade Control Programme. As part of her work, she follows developments within the main instruments and regulations established to regulate the arms and dual-use trade at the national, european and international levels. Her research interests include diversion and misuse risks following arms exports, post-shipment control mechanisms, and cooperation and assistance activities on the ATT, the UNPOA and other arms control instruments. Lauriane also undertakes research on developments within the multilateral export control regimes, including the MTCR.

Prior to joining SIPRI, Lauriane worked on the implementation of EU-funded projects on missile non-proliferation, disarmament and space at the Foundation for Strategic Research (FRS). Previously, she also worked as a Research Assistant at the Clingendael Institute in The Hague, and as a Research Intern on small arms transfers and controls at GRIP in Brussels.

Subject expertise

Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) controls; dual-use and arms export controls; EU non-proliferation and disarmament policies; transparency of international arms transfers; Arms Trade Treaty

Regional expertise

European Union

English, French

MA in European and International Affairs, major in Conflict and Development Studies, Sciences Po Lille

External publications