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Klaas Leenman

Associate Senior Fellow

Klaas Leenman

Klaas Leenman

Klaas Leenman is an Associate Senior Fellow with the SIPRI Armament and Disarmament Research Programme, and specifically to the Dual-use and Arms Trade Control programme. He is a retired Netherlands Customs officer where he worked as account manager for strategic goods and sanctions in a specialized Customs team responsible for the enforcement of export controls, sanctions and export control related (criminal) investigations. This was a coordinating position in which he was responsible for consultations and external contacts with all other entities involved in non-proliferation issues, inter alia, the Ministry of Foreign Trade, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Prosecutors Office, the General Intelligence Service and foreign investigation services.

Mr. Leenman is a senior expert involved in several different EU Outreach Programmes on Export Controls (Dual-use; COARM; ATT) and since 2017 he is the Key Expert Enforcement for the EUP2P Outreach Programme on dual-use goods. Mr. Leenman was the chair of the MTCR Licensing & Enforcement Experts Meeting from 2006 until 2012 and co-chair in 2015 and 2016. He acted also as chair of the Wassenaar Arrangement Licensing and Enforcement Officers Meeting (LEOM). He participated in many meetings of the non-proliferation regimes like the Australia Group, MTCR, NSG and Wassenaar Arrangement and was for a long time involved in the Proliferation Security Initiative.

Subject expertise

Non-proliferation, Export controls, Sanctions, Enforcement, (Criminal) Investigations

English, Dutch