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Economists on Conflict blog update

Economists on Conflict is a group blog discussing issues that are pressing and relevant to the policy, practice and theory of economics and development in conflict and crisis-affected contexts. Co-hosted by SIPRI and Economists for Peace and Security (EPS), the blog aims to promote global discussion and shared learning on economic aspects of peace and security.

A total of four new posts were published on the EPS blog this month. First up, in a post entitled Climate change and conflict in Indonesia, Raul Caruso and Roberto Ricciuti argue that the impact of climate change on the emergence of violent conflicts has become the subject of lively debate in recent years.

In Future challenges in international maritime security, Anja Shortland, Julia Amos and Sarah Percy report from the third annual International Maritime Security Conference, held at Merton College, Oxford on 1 and 2 April 2014, with a focus on maritime challenges, conflict prevention and crime.

Asking Does corruption lead to bad incentives for investment?, Eleonora Nillesen argues that while corruption may be rampant across the world it is not always visible or easily observable.

Finally, in Firms in conflict: adapt or perish, Francesco Amodio and Michele Di Maio argue that being an entrepreneur is a difficult activity, and being an entrepreneur in a developing country is even more difficult.

The first 20 posts in this blog series were published in cooperation with the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) through its International Network on Economics and Conflict (INEC).

For more information about the blog contact (EPS).