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Non-mandatory UN arms embargo on Nagorno-Karabakh (Azerbaijan)

In July 1993, in response to the armed conflict between Armenian and Azerbaijan over the area of Nagorno-Karabakh, and following the OSCE request in 1992 to implement a voluntary arms embargo, the United Nations passed Security Council Resolution 853. This Resolution urged 'States to refrain from the supply of any weapons and munitions which might lead to an intensification of the conflict or the continued occupation of territory'.

Although there is no Security Council Resolution or other UN document which has clarified that it is no longer valid, since 2002 the UN Security Council has no longer listed that it is 'actively seized of the matter'. As such, since 2002 it is assumed that the non-mandatory UN embargo is no longer active.

Last updated on
Embargo type: Non mandatory UN embargoes
Entry into force:
Lifted: 2002
Establishing document: UNSCR 853

Documents related to this arms embargo