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Related news: Governance and society

SIPRI and partners host conference on evidence-based policymaking with focus on Kyrgyzstan

SIPRI co-hosted the inaugural Life in Kyrgyzstan Conference in Bishkek from 1-2 October 2015 together with the University of Central Asia (UCA), the International Security and Development Center (ISDC), and the World Bank. During the two-day conference, more than 40 international and regional speakers gathered to exchange research and promote evidence-based policymaking.

Call for applications: summer school on impact evaluation methods in Central Asia

In June 2015 SIPRI and the Institute of Public Policy and Administration of the University of Central Asia (UCA), the International Security and Development Center (ISDC) and the United Nations University Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT) will offer a Summer School programme in Kyrgyzstan entitled ‘Impact Evaluation Methods in Central Asia’.

SIPRI co-hosts summer school on labour markets


From 13–25 July SIPRI and the University of Central Asia's Institute of Public Policy and Administration (IPPA) conducted a summer school on 'Labor Markets in Central Asia' in Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan.

The summer school was a part of the 'Gender and Employment in Central Asia' research project, which is funded by the IZA/DFID Growth and Labour Markets in Low Income Countries Programme (GLM | LIC).

SIPRI to participate in social cohesion project in Kyrgyzstan

SIPRI and the University of Central Asia will participate as research partners in a new research project entitled Social Cohesion Through Community-Based Development.

The project, which is funded by the World Bank and the Aga Khan Foundation, will be carried out in Kyrgyzstan with a budget of $3 million over four years, of which SIPRI will receive $605 000.

Call for Applications: Summer School on Labour Markets in Central Asia

In July 2014 SIPRI and the Institute of Public Policy and Administration of the University of Central Asia (UCA) will offer a Summer School programme in Kyrgyzstan entitled ‘Labour Markets in Central Asia’.

The objective of the Summer School is to teach the basics of labour economics, discuss a range of labour market issues in Central Asia and beyond, and introduce relevant research and policy evaluation methods.

Summer School on Impact Evaluation Methods in Central Asia


Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) together with the University of Central Asia’s Institute of Public Policy and Administration (UCA IPPA), the United Nations University–Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU–MERIT) and the International Security and Development Center (ISDC) held a joint summer school on ‘Impact Evaluation Methods in Central Asia’ from the 21–28 June 2015 in Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan.

Implementation of the humanitarian, development and peacebuilding nexus


In recent years, increased focus has been placed on the ‘triple nexus’, a consensus building on the interdependencies and complementarities that exist between humanitarian, development and peacebuilding work. The event will discuss institutional responses that apply nexus approaches and principles, reinforced with case studies and experiences from the field.