Click the contents button below to download individual chapters. Contents Introduction. Iraq: the legacy 1. Euro-Atlantic institutions and relationships 2. The Iraq war: the enduring controversies and challenges 3. Major armed conflicts 4. Multilateral peace missions 5. Post-conflict justice: developments in international courts 6. China’s new security multilateralism and its implications for the Asia–Pacific region 7. National defence reform and the African Union 8. Security sector reform in the Western Balkans 9. Science- and technology-based military innovation: the United States and Europe 10. Military expenditure 11. Arms production 12. International arms transfers 13. Biological weapons and potential indicators of offensive biological weapon activities 14. Major trends in arms control and non-proliferation 15. Nuclear arms control and non-proliferation SIPRI Yearbook 2004 16. Chemical and biological warfare developments and arms control 17. Conventional arms control 18. Transfer controls and destruction programmes 19. Withdrawal from arms control treaties Annexes SIPRI Yearbook 2004, Summary in German Navigate Introduction. Iraq: the legacy ›